Tips on House Painter References
By Jason Spurlock
Painting estimates for your Florida home is more than just choosing colors and exterior wall textures. When you are selecting a residential painting company for estimates, remember that the choices you make will last for years. Asking a few additional questions before the house painters begin on your Florida home can give greater peace of mind and go a long way in getting the experience you deserve.
Recently when we referred an exterior house painter to a customer’s home in Orlando, one of our best home improvement experts shared some tips that everyone should have on hand when determining what is important to you and checking the references of each of your house painting companies.
The first tip is to write down a list of your criteria. Your list could include things like:
How long has the company been in business?
Do they offer free color consultations with their service?
What is method they handle disputes if problems arise?
Does the company have a solid credit rating with their suppliers (important to determine if the painters will ask for money up front)?
Will the painting contractors provide the references of their last 5 recently completed jobs?
Then, base all of your estimate interviews on your criteria you have in front of you. You might even discover additional questions you can ask after each interview with the house painters.
One of the best tips our home experts offered, however, was to review each reference they provide — and to make sure that these references are specifically for the last 5 recently completed jobs. If you know that a company has been in business for some time, it is likely they can provide you with dozens of references. If you ask for their last 5 jobs, you can be sure that their most recent work is up to the standards you are expecting. This simple tip can reveal the quality you can also expect with your house painting. Make sure that the full names, addresses, and phone numbers for each of the references they give to you are correct. Incorrect information should be a red flag of hiding something they don’t want you to know about.
When we schedule estimates for our customers, some homeowners are often reluctant to actually call other homeowners to ask about their experience. You should not be concerned that you will be interferring with the lives of others because over 95 percent of all satisfied customers are delighted to answer all of your questions and have a relaxed conversation with you. People usually take it as a compliment that you called to ask their opinions and for their advice on how to proceed with your home improvements.
Remember, your are entrusting your home and its contents to the painting contractors you select. It is important that you can rely on them to be trustworthy.
Our experts shared several specific questions to ask when verifying the most recent references:
1) On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being perfect and 1 being totally disappointed, how would you rate your satisfaction with the house painter and the results you experienced and WHY?
2) What do you wish the painter had done differently?
3) Did they finish their work within the scheduled time and budget?
4) Was the work completed professionally and were they understanding of your needs?
5) Were there any hidden charges or extras that were not included in the original price quote?
6) Is the paint holding up? Are their any cracks appearing or seams left exposed?
7) What was the BEST thing about working with this painter?
8) Would you recommend them to your family and to your neighbors?
Number 8 is the personal favorite of our top-rated expert. There are folks they might recommend to their friends but do they like them enough to be recommended to family?
The best house painting companies will not only have great references but they will show up with a beautiful portfolio of recent pictures (or even videos) of recent painting jobs for you to look over. They will also show many styles and options for you to consider — not just a bunch of paint swatches. A lot of top-rated house painting companies are also offering free color consultations with professional designers as a way to increase the overall value they provide.
As your shop around for a house painter, always remember to check their references with your personal list of criteria that you have establised before the interviews begin. Relax and know that you are the boss in control — and that you are interviewing professionals that will be working for your family and your wallet. Enjoying the experience of beautifying your biggest investment with the peace of mind that lasts well after they leave is an experience you deserve.
About the Author
 | Jason Spurlock, 1 Call Improvement Pinetree Street Satellite Beach, FL 32937 (888) Your-1-Call
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