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Cost Report

Exterior House Painting Cost

The cost of exterior house painting will depend upon a number of factors. On average, the cost of exterior house painting is $1.75 per square foot (average based on $1.33 on the low end and $2.16 for the high). However, there are quite a few factors that go into determining the price. Take a look at our ProMatcher House Painting Cost Report which will provide you some estimated prices in your local area.

Here are some items that will factor into the cost of your project:

House Painting Cost Factors

-The size of the house. The contractor will consider the square footage of the area to be painted as a basis for the cost of exterior house painting.

- Is your house more than one story, or do you have a walkout basement? A contractor will typically charge more for exterior house painting when working above a single story. Working above a certain height requires additional personnel and equipment.

-What material is the exterior of your house? Is the exterior of your home is brick, stucco or concrete? While these materials are easier to prepare for painting, they tend to be more porous and may require extra paint and application time. Wooden shake shingle siding can often be sprayed, but may cost more if they need to be brushed. The cost of exterior house painting will vary depending on the material to be painted.

- Do you have wood trim, window frames, door frames or soffits? These features are laborious to prep and to paint and tend to add to the cost of exterior house painting. Homes which contain aluminum or vinyl versions of these features will cost less to paint.

-What type of paint or stain are you going to use? Paints and stains come in many formulations and finishes, and cover a variety of price ranges. Your contractor can help you choose the right paint for your project. It may be more cost effective to have the contractor furnish the paint because they have access to higher quality products and can often purchase it at a discount.

Do you have rotten wood trims, framing, door or windows? Having these items repaired or replaced will increase the cost of exterior house painting.

How many coats of paint are currently on your home? If this is the second or third time your house has been painted, the contractor may be able to apply paint without a great deal of preparation. If your house has multiple coats of underpaint, the contractor may need to strip some of the existing paint before he can begin applying a new coat. This is often accomplished by pressure washing the area to be painted and can add to the cost of exterior house painting.

We hope that this information has been useful to you. Use ProMatcher to receive a Free Exterior House Painting Cost Estimate from a contractor in your area. This is a fast and free service that saves you time and helps you receive multiple quotes for your project. It is good to have options!

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About the Author

ProMatcher Staff, ProMatcher
Orlando, FL 32803

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