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Do painters who paint homes also paint commercial properties?

Most of the time
Some of the time
Never (they are different businesses)
Not sure
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Question: Do painters who paint homes also paint commercial properties?
Top Answer (69% of 397 votes): Some of the time.

Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Yes painters who paint homes also paint commercial properties. All the companies I ever worked for always did both because they both pay.
Megga painting
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Sometimes depends on the size of the job
Srp inc.
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: It depends on the painter and there experience.
Jack of trades services
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: It depends on the Painter and their experience
S & L Paint Professionals
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: I have only done a few commercial projects. You need to have a crew because the projects are usually bigger.
Greg Griffin Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: We do not paint businesses
Surface Pros Staining and Coating
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: This depends on the type of services offered by each individual company
Ridgway Construction LLC
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Depends on skill set
Circle city painting
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Most painters tend to paint whatever’s necessary to get the job done
Busy Hands construction & restoration LLC
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: 2 separate side of the industry commercial is a lot more involved and can be trickier when working
Paint choice llc
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Sometimes commercial painting requires more quantity than quality and I choose quality.
Coxs Coatings
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: It depends on what they offer some do some don't.
Brock's handyman
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Yes some painters cover more options!
Jackson's Paints & Interiors
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Preference of company
Painters Professionals Perfectionists
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: This can be variable as it depends on the time of year and the fluctuations of the market.
Zero G Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: I do.
RT painting
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Because commercial jobs require comercial license.
Brothers Canelas Painting LLC
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Some painters who paint homes also do commercial painting but it is usually light commercial work.
Veteran Paint Squad
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Depends on size of job
Two Gails Small home Repair
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Our company does
New Horizon Construction and Remodeling LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I don't know.
Brian Winget Painting
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Most businesses have an office building that is not very different from a home. In large cities with very high offices abd apartments, that may not be the case, but unless the business just doesn't have the required insurance needed, there is really very little difference.
Clark's Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Painting companies can hold a dual license for both commercial and residential painting or choose to obtain a residential only license
Pearl Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Painting professionals can provide both, but it is there preference in some instances companies will not deal with commercial property because of insurance requirements.
Glatfelter Property Services
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: I would assume they do if I can paint interior of home they can pay anything if they're good quality company
efficiency resolutions
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Pro Painters Colorado Springs paint both residential and commercial properties.
Pro Painters Colorado Springs
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: depends on the painting company
Answer: Never (they are different businesses)
Explanation: The difference in the two are size of the job and insurance/ or contractor class type
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Depends on the paint contractor. we do both but mostly Residential house painting.
Paint Works of Texas
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: if licences and experiance permit
Randy Johnson Painting and Drywall
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Some. Like in door sone like out door
RJB Painting & Handyman Service
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Most painters have experience in all types of painting. Some Company's will paint almost anything you put in their way.
Shambaugh Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Commercial properties sometimes require criteria or larger crews to expedite projects in a timely, cost effective manner.
Down Under Faux
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Commercial can be a different animal.
Misija construction
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: A lot of times painters like to specialize in a certain type of painting. But being versatile allows you to starting complete more jobs giving you a higher success rate
Exact painting LLC,
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Some painters like paint only residential works .
Ben's painters
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Commercial and residential are similar in so many ways as far as paint and application, so most are both commercial and residential. Where it separates as far as a large difference would be the transition into industrial and marine, different paints and different applications where there has to be mil.gauges for thicknesses and activators for paints and under certain time limits for application. We are also specialized in those fields.
Henson Coatings and Construction
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Some only paint Residential
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: My company paints residential and commercial.
All-Pro Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Some painters only have tools for residential jobs. Sometimes a commercial job requires a cherry picker, or man lift, to reach the high walls.
Patric's custom painting
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: When it comes to a painter they will take on any job only if they are qualified to do commercial as well.
Certified Painting Professionals
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: We do very little commercial projects. It's a whole new ballgame.
popes painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Ther is a difference.,
Bogue Art Studios
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Some painters will only work commercially.
BK Design Associates
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Once again, depends on the focus of that of the painting company
Coatings by Chris
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Depends on the contractor's preference
Colorado Concrete
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: It depends on what the painter want to take on. Commercial jobs take more time and planning to do them so some painters will not take them on and only concentrate on residential homes.
Complete Home Painting, LLC
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Depends on if the company is commercial or not.
Cedar Home Staining & Restoration
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: It varies according to the painters.
Cantu's Painting Service
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Commercial depending on the job is a little more diffrent.there are varities of commercial work. Most house painters dont like commercial. Its like a pickle and a cucumber. Its the same but different.
A&B Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Some painters prefer residential. Some prefer commercial. Some like a mix. The commercial painter usually faces some challenges not found in residential, so he needs to have the appropriate solutions.
John's Painting Services
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Not all professional painters will do commercial work. Often commercial work is too large or the hours to do the job are in the evenings or nights.
Pro Painting & Design
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Generally, yes.
Jaworski Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: We do both
Painter's Touch
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Residential and Commerial painting sometimes require different types of insurance, a larger work force, much more capital upfront for materials.
Vitris Painting Service
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Depends on the company some companies will do both residential and commercial.
Pro Brush Painting
Answer: Never (they are different businesses)
Explanation: Some painters pick what they like to do.
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: I have done both its just a matter of size, proper tools and man power to complete job
CPL painting and repair service
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: I do both
Innovative Finishes
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Ask to be sure.
Village Design
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Most painters will paint both Commercial or residential. The big difference is usually the size of the project not if its owned by a company or a private individual. For example a large exterior requiring large scaffold and or boom lifts my be an issue for smaller companies.
Karoll Julian Inc.
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Time is usually the factor here...In Las Vegas all Licensed Contractors are qualified to do both. If the main objective is detail the skills of an interior painter is more desired and the time can be adjusted...If time is the bottom line...a large crew with spray equipment will be chosen.
Seamingly Straight Inc
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: This also depends on the size of your company.
3HandyLanes Services LLC
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: Most painters will paint just about any structure. It depends on the experience of the painter and if they understand the materials they are working with.
Ironman Home Restoration
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: I would check the website and or call them.
Vivid Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Commercial properties require more responsibility and liability to be provided, not many can afford this kind of service.
ArtsWorks, LLC
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: It depends on the qualifications of the painter and the attention to detail the commercial property is looking for.
Seamingly Straight Inc
Answer: Most of the time
Explanation: We do.
Majestic Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Different types
James Boyles painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: We have the staff, and crews to handle any size project. We are currently working on a 100 unit apartment complex
Bradley Paint & Remodeling
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: My experience
A Top Quality Services
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Not all painters can handle bigger projects.
Aesthetic House Painting
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Superior Paint & Remodeling paints residential and commercial properties.
Superior Paint & Remodeling
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: Most painters don't like commercial painting the reason why is because the painting methods are different. We do both we have painters who focus on residential painting and commercial painting we only hire expert Painters
Service Painters, inc.
Answer: Some of the time
Explanation: We do both as well, depending on the size.
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