Tallmadge House Painting Costs & Prices
Tallmadge, Ohio. The Tallmadge House Painting Cost Report is a concise report on everything you need to know about the cost of house painting in the Tallmadge area.
Average House Painting Cost in Tallmadge
We have done a little research to find the average cost of house painting in Tallmadge. Here are the average costs and prices reported back to us:
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Tallmadge House Painting Cost Data
Professionals in the Tallmadge area have provided information about how much house painting cost(s). Here are some of the individual reports:
44278, Tallmadge, Ohio - February 1, 2017
Interior House Painting or Staining$1.70 to $2.25 per square foot I look at an average size room 12 X 10 and price the labor at around $200.00. That's 2 coats
Reported by: Rick Arkenburg, Painter's Touch |
44309, Akron, Ohio - July 9, 2018
Faux Painting$2.00 - $4.00 per square foot for basic textures Cost includes applying a basic texture faux finish. Presumes typical conditions.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
44202, Aurora, Ohio - September 13, 2016
Interior House Painting or Staining$25.00 to $40.00 per hour I calculate the cost of materials, I put together how much time the job will take with the labor rate I wanna charge per hour. Any repairs or mud/sanding work I have to do additionally I add to the bill also. I give my estimate and if the customer doesn't feel comfortable with the price I'm always willing to negotiate to better suit the customers financial status.
Reported by: Tony Sachury, Fine Lines Painting |
Tallmadge House Painters
Painter's Touch 393 Tammery Dr, Tallmadge, OH 330-961-1806
Fine Lines Painting 1124 east Blvd, Aurora, OH 330-274-1217
John's Painting Services 4157 Siefer Drive, Rootstown, OH 330-289-6690
Disclaimer: Costs and prices shown on the ProMatcher site are intended to be used as general information, not as guaranteed estimates. To obtain cost information relevant to your project, request a quote or estimate from a local service provider.