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Cost Report

Saint Louis House Painting Costs & Prices - ProMatcher Cost Report

Saint Louis House Painting Costs & Prices

Saint Louis, Missouri.  The Saint Louis House Painting Cost Report is a concise report on everything you need to know about the cost of house painting in the Saint Louis area.

Average House Painting Cost in Saint Louis

We have done a little research to find the average cost of house painting in Saint Louis. Here are the average costs and prices reported back to us:

Cost of Interior House Painting or Staining in Saint Louis, Missouri

$35.67 per hour (Range: $33.00 - $38.33)
$2.88 per square foot (Range: $1.25 - $4.50)
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Cost of Exterior House Painting or Staining in Saint Louis, Missouri

$1.82 per square foot (Range: $1.32 - $2.32)
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Cost of Paint Removal in Saint Louis, Missouri

$50.00 per hour (Range: $40.00 - $60.00)
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Cost of Faux Painting in Saint Louis, Missouri

$2.72 per square foot for basic textures (Range: $1.81 - $3.62)
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Saint Louis House Painting Cost Data

Professionals in the Saint Louis area have provided information about how much house painting cost(s). Here are some of the individual reports:
63155, Saint Louis, Missouri - July 28, 2021

Exterior House Painting or Staining

$1.32 - $2.32 per square foot
Price estimate for labor and paint.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
63155, Saint Louis, Missouri - July 9, 2018

Faux Painting

$1.81 - $3.62 per square foot for basic textures
This price quote is an estimate that includes and materials.

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
62226, Belleville, Illinois - April 18, 2023

Interior House Painting or Staining

$60.00 per hour
Price is actually by the room walls start at $250 which include paint

Reported by:
Jason Coolbaugh, Complete Home Painting, LLC
62226, Belleville, Illinois - April 18, 2023

Exterior House Painting or Staining

$2.00 to $5.00 per square foot
Depends on the quality of paint the customer wants.

Reported by:
Jason Coolbaugh, Complete Home Painting, LLC
62220, Belleville, Illinois - March 17, 2020

Interior House Painting or Staining

$1.50 to $4.00 per square foot

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
62220, Belleville, Illinois - March 17, 2020

Exterior House Painting or Staining

$2.75 to $5.00 per square foot

Reported by:
ProMatcher Research Team
62031, Fieldon, Illinois - September 1, 2017

Interior House Painting or Staining

$24.00 to $35.00 per hour
depends on the texture off the walls

Reported by:
Cody Gettings, Dee Cee's exterior cleaning
62031, Fieldon, Illinois - September 1, 2017

Paint Removal

$40.00 to $60.00 per hour
Mostly depends on the number of storys the house has

Reported by:
Cody Gettings, Dee Cee's exterior cleaning
62234, Collinsville, Illinois - July 6, 2017

Interior House Painting or Staining

$15.00 to $20.00 per hour
$1.00 to $5.00 per square foot
We accept Cash and checks

Reported by:
Meho Besic, Certified Painting Professionals
62234, Collinsville, Illinois - July 6, 2017

Exterior House Painting or Staining

$15.00 to $20.00 per hour
$1.00 to $5.00 per square foot
We accept Cash and checks

Reported by:
Meho Besic, Certified Painting Professionals
Free quotes from local house painters near you.

Saint Louis House Painters

Certified Painting Professionals
674 Oak Trail, Collinsville, IL
Complete Home Painting, LLC
109 Marilyn dr, Belleville, IL
ECT Contracting LLC
3002 S Jefferson Aveune Suite 2019, Saint Louis, MO
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Disclaimer: Costs and prices shown on the ProMatcher site are intended to be used as general information, not as guaranteed estimates. To obtain cost information relevant to your project, request a quote or estimate from a local service provider.
House Painting > Costs & Prices > Missouri > Saint Louis House Painting Costs & Prices

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