Elkhart House Painting Costs & Prices
Elkhart, Indiana. The Elkhart House Painting Cost Report is a concise report on everything you need to know about the cost of house painting in the Elkhart area.
Average House Painting Cost in Elkhart
We have done a little research to find the average cost of house painting in Elkhart. Here are the average costs and prices reported back to us:
Cost of Interior House Painting or Staining in Elkhart, Indiana$30.00 per hour (Range: $25.00 - $35.00) $5.43 per square foot (Range: $4.60 - $6.25) Free Estimates from Local ProsCost of Faux Painting in Elkhart, Indiana$2.82 per square foot for basic textures (Range: $1.88 - $3.76) Free Estimates from Local Pros |
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Elkhart House Painting Cost Data
Professionals in the Elkhart area have provided information about how much house painting cost(s). Here are some of the individual reports:
46516, Elkhart, Indiana - July 9, 2018
Faux Painting$1.88 - $3.76 per square foot for basic textures This cost estimate assumes typical conditions. Price excludes wallpaper removal.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
46526, Goshen, Indiana - July 9, 2018
Faux Painting$1.88 - $3.76 per square foot for basic textures Cost includes labor and post-painting cleanup.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
46550, Nappanee, Indiana - November 25, 2015
Interior House Painting or Staining$25.00 to $35.00 per hour $4.60 to $6.25 per square foot I typically charge by area , zip code based and what each home entails as far as moving furniture and prep work that is involved .
Reported by: Rand Hanes, Hanes Painting |
Elkhart House Painters
Service Worx 725 Johnson St, South Bend, IN 5743033699
Scad Painting & Preservation inc 2222 Leer St, South Bend, IN 574-703-9418
Hanes Painting 604 Bison Ridge, Nappanee, IN 574-221-9934
Disclaimer: Costs and prices shown on the ProMatcher site are intended to be used as general information, not as guaranteed estimates. To obtain cost information relevant to your project, request a quote or estimate from a local service provider.